We need visions of a sustainable life that combine meaning, desire and passion for our own actions. Sustainability, cannot do without the arts and sciences; thinking in transitions, provisionalities, models and projects is to be learned from them.

Nana Petzet – winner of the HAP Grieshaber Prize of the VG Bild-Kunst 2023
»Blendung« Exhibition at Deutschen Künstlerbund e.V.January 12 until April 5 2024 Opening: January...

Hannah Schneider at Raketenstation Hombroich
Open Guest Studio November 26 202311 am till 5 pm In October and November, at the invitation of...

SCHAUM – Review Baltic Sea Biennale
THE DEMOCRATIC SPACE Artist group SCHAUM19.11.2023 until 18.02.2024 Dealing with the the GDR past...

Ines Doujak – Parade against fear in Cologne
THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMEN* ARE THE WOMEN OF THE REVOLUTION Parade in public spaceOctober 28 2023 As...

Susanne Gabler and artist colelctive SCHAUM nominated for Kunstpreis Rostock 2023
Social Object Exhibition of nominees at Schaudepot Kunsthalle RostockOctober 21st until December...

FINISSAGE – Celebrate both, the end and the kick-off with us
Sunday, 16th of June from 12 pm - 24 am Dear friends, supporters and lovers of ETF! Celebrate...

Exhibition: längs und quer zum fluss | Anja Schoeller
längs und quer zum fluss Exhibition project for the IBA’27-Festivalin July 2023 on the grounds of...

Opening – Lovestories
INVITATION to the 30th anniversary of Künstlerhaus Sootbörn Friday 30.6. until Sunday...

Exihibition opening Klara Hobza
The Breathing Trilogy 24.06.–05.08.2023 It is as much a cliché as it is a truism: life is...

Surface unsealing at Lausitzer Platz – totally recommended for imitation!
Green spaces instead of parking lots Five former parking areas at Lausitzer Platz are to be...

uferhallen preserved – open letter

DUST AT NEW MEDIA GALLERY | 2023 – Michael Saup
Dust in Canada plus 12400 sensors, 80 countries, 57 community labs, 1 gallery, 2 screens, 4 VR...

Jakub Szczęsny on show at Gdynia City Museum for a whole year
Is it worth giving up consumption for the common good Jakub SzczęsnyJuly 2, 2023 till June 2,...

Daniel Schüßler – Voice of FÄN
"Check it out!" Daniel Schüßler is one of 192 voices from art, science and the in-between for a...

Dina Shenav – Who by Fire On Israel
Exhibition – HAL 9. Juni – 27. August 2023 Haus am LützowplatzFördererkreis Kulturzentrum Berlin...

Long Night of Science – How does building with mushrooms work?
How does building with mushrooms work? The urban laboratory MY-CO PLACE focuses...

A small sensation
Mushrooms, hemp, sheep wool in exchangeWorkshop – Production line sheep wool in exchange with...

Dodi Reifenberg and Swaantje Güntzel at Atelierhaus Aachen
KUNST:STOFF Exhibition cooperation with Museum Zinkhütter Hof StolbergMay 21 - June 11 2023...

In conversation with the publicist Adrienne Goehler The Ministry of Culture wants to launch...

“How do we save the world, Adrienne Goehler?” – Interview on Tagesspiegel
„We cannot rely on experts“ Adrienne Goehler talks about EXAMPLES TO FOLLOW!, its history...

Manuel Rivera: “Art should once again take a more confrontational course”
Manuel Rivera interviewed by ZEIT May 6, 2023 | "Whether it's a tornado on the theater stage or...

ZNE! on the RIFS Potsdam blog
Global explorations in terms of sustainability The Research Institute for Sustainability...

Hannah Schneider at Kunsthaus NRW
sculpturegarden 2023: playground & nature Kunsthaus NRW 14/05/2023 – 22/10/2023Opening:...

Art and About – with Marcus Maeder
Artistic Research at Spreepark Marcus Maeder, Spekulative BotanikPavillons in the park Art...

MY-CO PLACE | architecture of sustainable growth
A collaborative work by the interdisciplinary ArtSci collectiv MY-CO-X MY-CO PLACE opening:...

CATPC and Renzo Martens to represent the Netherlands at Venice Biennial 2024
a white cube on a plantation Cercle d’Art des Travailleurs de Plantation Congolaise (CATPC)...

Adib Fricke at Gallery Vincenz Sala
HOW TO LOOK AT WORDS Opening invitation | Vernissage on April 22nd at 6 p.m. ADIB FRICKE | HOW TO...

Anne Duk Hee Jordan at Gwangju Biennale and Kunsthalle Mannheim
soft and weak like water Invitation to two shows with works by Anne Duk Hee Jordan soft and weak...

Jakub Szczęsny – „Polish Design Polish Designers“
Jakub Szczęsny at the Gdynia City Museum in the series "Polish Design Polish Designers". "The...

“In 2030, the first mushroom house should be in place”
Interview with Vera Meyer in the taz "Meyer is committed to mushrooms; she predicts a bright...

Ursula Schulz-Dornburg: Photographies at AEDES Berlin
Ursula Schulz-Dornburg - Huts, Temples, Castles Exhibition: April 1st – May 17th 2023 Space: Aedes...

Little Suns turns 10!
ETF congratulates Little Suns on its tenth anniversary! Ten years ago, Olafur Eliasson and...

Bedarfshaltestelle – Presentation of the 4 Kunst-LABORE
Presentation + party of the 4 Kunst-LABORE BEDARFSHALTESTELLE with Susanne Gabler Presentation of...

Susanne Gabler at the BBK Kunstforum Düsseldorf
parallel - INSIGHT OUT: Susanne Gabler at the BBK Kunstforum Düsseldorf "The artists were asked to...

Folke Köbberling TRIBUTE TO OUD
Folke Köbberling at the project room of the Kunstverein Neuhausen & Talk with Adrienne Goehler...

Dionisio González at Taubert Contemporary, Berlin
Wittgensteins Cabin Berlin Gallery Weekend 29th April till 30th Juli 2022Taubert...

Redraw Tragedy – with Natalia Wehler and Roberto Uribe Castro
Redraw Tragedy | artistic handling of serious events, catastrophes and tragedies | “The world is...

FÄN – Nachtkritik-Interview with Adrienne Goehler and Manuel Rivera
No more higher, faster, further In an interview with Elena Philipp and Christian Rakow, Adrienne...

Programm at Museum on the Seam, Jerusalem | 3/11/2021
discussion, lecture and yoga lesson At the end of the exhibition, the Museum on the Seam invites...

Programm at Museum on the Seam, Jerusalem | 29&30/11/2021
Neighborhood tour, discussion about sustainability & recycling workshop For the last...

Opening of ETF! – Pyramida, Haifa
Vernissage with program Thanks to the active support of many friends, helpers and supporters: 19....

Opening of ETF! – Museum on the Seam, Jerusalem
Vernissage Thanks to the active support of many friends, helpers and supporters: 19. ETF! venue in...

Mask by Néle Azevedo for Maskbook-Campaign
Maskbook campaign for the 5th anniversary of the Paris Agreement The mask by Néle Azevedo was...

Sadly – due to corona – no news.
Due to the COVID-19 Virus our little ETF! office in Berlin remains closed and we are working from...

Finissage talks under the fig tree
»Grow or pause – how will we live in the future?« Saturday, 22. September 201914:00 - 16:00Galerie...

Erfurter Schöpfung – Zwischenbericht
»The thought of the arbitraryand filtering of theof elementary resources is transferableto other...

Updated Dialogue Programme Erfurt
Updated Dialogue Programme Erfurt Initiated by the Advisory Board for Sustainable Development in...

Clean Up For Future
Activity for World Clean Up Day Saturday, 21.9.2019from 10 am.Brühler Park As part of the...

Opening ETF! in Lima
Galeria Ignacio Merino Museo Metropolitano Lima Av. 28 de Julio / Parque de Exposicion Centro...