Finissage talks under the fig tree

»Grow or pause – how will we live in the future?«

Saturday, 22. September 2019
14:00 – 16:00
Galerie Waidspeicher and Kulturhof zum Güldenen Krönbacken

In times of climate change, finite resources, destruction of environment and habitat, extinction of species
With further economic and population growth and growing conflicts, new ways and concepts of togetherness are sought. What does our future society look like? How do we develop there and how do we establish them?

Conversation with
Adrienne Goehler | Psychologist, former Senator of Culture and Science, Berlin, publicist, initiator and curator of the exhibition “ZNE! recommended for imitation! – expeditions in aesthetics and sustainability”.

Prof. Dr. Maja Göpel | Politökonomin, Secretary General of the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) and speaker of “Scientists for Future”, author of the monograph “The Great Mindship”.

Dr. Peter Heller | Zukun!sforscher, Physiker und Astronom: After working in the science and space industries, he now works as a strategy consultant and analyzes technological trends. Columnist at “Tichys Einblick” and regular guest author at “Achse des Guten”.

Moderated by:
Jana Liebe | Managing Director ThEEN e.V., Advisory Council for Sustainable Development in Thuringia
Martin Kranz | Director of the ACHAVA Festival Thuringia

Afterwards there will be a guided tour through the exhibition with Adrienne Goehler and the ACHAVA concert “Missa Cum Jubilo” with Silvius von Kessel in Erfurt Cathedral can be attended (self-payment).

Advisory Council for Sustainable Development in Thuringia
Thuringia Renewable Energies
Network | ThEEN e.V. and ACHAVA e.V.

Initiated by the Advisory Council for Sustainable Development in Thuringia, supported by the Thuringian Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Nature Conservation and the state capital Erfurt.