Hannah Schneider at Kunsthaus NRW

sculpturegarden 2023: playground & nature

Kunsthaus NRW

14/05/2023 – 22/10/2023
Opening: Saturday 13th May 2023, 3 p.m.

Kunsthaus NRW
Abteigarten 6
52076 Aachen – Kornelimünster

With new works by Marco Biermann & Tomas Kleiner, Vera Drebusch & Florian Egermann, Selma Gültoprak, Jonas Hohnke, Evamaria Schaller & Andreas Gehlen, Christian Odzuck, Hannah Schneider, Fari Shams

In 2023, the exhibition in the sculpture garden of the Kunsthaus is dedicated to the relationship between humans and nature in play. The game with fixed »rules« and the wild nature only seem to oppose each other. Playgrounds should enable children to play freely – and are nevertheless traditionally extremely artificially designed places that specify a specific use.

Newer playground concepts develop natural spaces that offer a different sensory experience. The artistic works in the exhibition also challenge the senses of the visitors: in Jonas Hohnke’s “White Cube” the visitors are invited to use their own bodies in the exhibition space. Hannah Schneider stages a rainbow laboratory in the old monastery kitchen; Vera Drebusch & Florian Egermann lay out a chessboard-like pattern. Evamaria Schaller & Andreas Gehlen mark an enigmatic play area in the museum garden; Selma Gültoprak questions the end of childhood. The duo Marco Biermann & Tomas Kleiner lets a potted plant wander through the garden and a new work by Fari Shams fundamentally questions the connection between educational concepts and garden design.

The inauguration of the new large installation »KIOSK (for G. T.)« by Christian Odzuck will be celebrated with a concert on International Museum Day (May 21). In summer, the newly sown wildflower meadow in the large garden of the Kunsthaus will attract two-legged and winged visitors. You will also meet good friends again: the installation made of cube fragments by Vera Lossau and the plant labyrinth by Stefanie Klingemann also invite you to play freely in summer 2023.