Anne Duk Hee Jordan at Gwangju Biennale and Kunsthalle Mannheim

soft and weak like water

Invitation to two shows with works by Anne Duk Hee Jordan

soft and weak like water
07.04.2023 till 09.07.2023
14th Gwangju Biennale
115 Biennale-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju, 61104 Republic of KOREA

„So long and thank you for all the fish“ is a new site-specific installation commissioned by the 14th Gwangju Biennale, Korea.

Inside a former Buddhist temples basement at the sacred Yangnim mountain, Jordan creates a mirrored universe. The installation stretches over three rooms: a wet room mediating in the middle between the two rooms on the side wings which are opposing and mirroring each other. The u-shaped layout of the rooms requires the viewer to constantly go back and forth. Therefore they pass the wetland room, which connects and balances the universe, and which is immersed in black light and contains a pool of water and water plants growing between the healing stones and originate from the environment of the temple’s ecosystem.

Weitere Informationen unter: Text on Anne Duk Hee Jordan in the Gwangju News April 2023

1.5 Degrees

Invitation to two shows with works by Anne Duk Hee Jordan

1.5 Degrees. Interdependencies between Life, the Cosmos, and Technology
07.04.2023 till 08.10.2023
Kunsthalle Mannheim
Friedrichsplatz 4, 68165 Mannheim

The Installation Brakfesten – La Grande Bouffe created in Södra Hällarna is a buffet for insects, beetles, birds and other organisms. The “tables” are laid out in a shape that mimics the pattern of the bark beetles pattern in the tree bark. The intervention is conceived to support the wasteland to regenerate faster, as a kind of retreat called Brakfesten for all living organisms living there. In the long run it could develop into a vast swamp. Small damping rivers are installed, several bird towers that function as a breeding ground, where male birds can perform. The beetles get several burrows, and various habitats for insects are being built. The first infested elm trees are in such returned to nature as living plant tables. All can help themselves and eat from it. New seeds from the trees will surely grow in them and eventually the dead tree will be integrated back into the ecological cycle.

Also part of the exhibition: Joseph Beuysand SUPERFLEX