Daniel Schüßler – Voice of FÄN

Daniel Schüßler – Voice of FÄN

“Check it out!” Daniel Schüßler is one of 192 voices from art, science and the in-between for a fund for aesthetics and sustainability | FAN At the end of her 13-year touring exhibition, Adrienne Goehler is showing “Examples to Follow” in the...
Dina Shenav – Who by Fire On Israel

Dina Shenav – Who by Fire On Israel

Exhibition – HAL 9. Juni – 27. August 2023 Haus am LützowplatzFördererkreis Kulturzentrum Berlin e.V.Lützowplatz 910785 BerlinTel +49 30 261 38 05 Artist ETF! Dina Shenav Website dinashenav.com Dina Shenav, title: Merkava, HAL,...
Sadly – due to corona – no news.

Sadly – due to corona – no news.

Due to the COVID-19 Virus our little ETF! office in Berlin remains closed and we are working from home. As many fellow artists, creatives and freelancers this Corona crisis has hit us hard.We had hoped to send out a newsletter this spring informing you all about our...