by Ina_Neubert | Apr 19, 2023
Norbert Höpfer Tiny House made of hemp | the house from the field, 2023 Dr. Norbert Höpfer, mineralogist, continues the working experience from Ruanda and Israel For the 20th venue of ETF! a dismountable tiny house is created for reuse, approx. 2,20 x 4 m with an...
by Ina_Neubert | Apr 3, 2023
Anne Duk Hee Jordan THE LIVING PLANT ARCHIVE | 2020 – ongoing THE LIVING PLANT ARCHIVE | 2020 – ongoing | by Anne Duk Hee Jordan approaches colonial histories and remaining coloniality through the perspective of plant protagonists. The work zooms in...
by Ina_Neubert | Apr 3, 2023
Folke Köbberling Raw wool, an underestimated resource Wool is a natural product that we humans have been using for thousands of years knew how to use. In the 21st century, sheep are used in Germany for landscape maintenance and on fields and dykes to prevent...
by Inke Maria Hahnen | May 8, 2023
Martin Kaltwasser Lonely Berlin Marathon in normal traffic, 2018 In the 4-hour video, Martin Kaltwasser runs through Berlin on the usual blue marathon line while traffic is moving. It’s his 18th marathon. He never stopped training for it. Other material...
by Ina_Neubert | Apr 19, 2023
Marcus Maeder treelab, 2014 – 2018 Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, Department of Music, Division, Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology The ZHdK plant laboratory is used for artistic and scientific research and is open to student projects. As part of the...