Norbert Höpfer
Tiny House made of hemp | the house from the field, 2023
Dr. Norbert Höpfer, mineralogist, continues the working experience from Ruanda and Israel
For the 20th venue of ETF! a dismountable tiny house is created for reuse, approx. 2,20 x 4 m with an internal wooden frame, a dry stone wall facade made of hemp limestone, floor insulation with hemp lime and a pent roof with hemp wool insulation.
Rethinking the production of building materials – hemp shives bound with lime show the new way! Hemp lime is a mixture of the binder lime 1 part & 3-4 parts aggregate from hemp shives, the broken stalk of the plant.
Hemp lime has the following properties:
- regional & mobile manufacturing
- can be implemented directly with little effort
- carbon negativ (pro cbm minus 110-130 kg CO2)
- Hemp from natural fields (free of glyphosate)
- built-in moisture protection via the buffering effect of the binding agent
- suitable for grandchildren
- sand free
- cementless
- vegan
- transparent supply chain of raw materials
We use hemp hurds because:
- hemp is grown in Brandenburg & Mecklenburg
- in our case, the hemp comes from regional organic farming in Zempow
- hemp hurds occur en masse in the hemp plant
- hemp has an open-pored cell structure
- hemp has a positive effect on agriculture field economy
We use lime because:
- a lot of moisture is buffered (rapid absorption and release of moisture)
- of the disinfecting effect
- it is easy to repair (our bones are made of lime and therefore grow back together)
- lime is thinking ahead evolutionary
Further Information
Dr. Norbert Höpfer, graduate mineralogist, product development building materials, rehabilitation advice, restoration, hemp lime manufactory Zempow, employee at hemp climate project LPV Wittstock
Webseite: www.romankalk.webs.com
Workshop – Hanfbausteine Norbert Hoepfer, Foto Andreas Rost
Workshop – Hanfbausteine Norbert Hoepfer, Foto Andreas Rost