Olafur Eliasson und Frederik Ottesen

Olafur Eliasson und Frederik Ottesen

Olafur Eliasson und Frederik Ottesen Little Sun, 2012 Installation | Volume produced lamp, recyclable plastic, solar-panel, LED lamp, Television, Video Art responds to the times in which it is produced, to the values and world views cultivated by society. »Little...
Steven Emmanuel

Steven Emmanuel

Steven Emmanuel The Good Life This summer of 2014 he will be living off the land at the Zollverein UNESCO-World Heritage Site as part of the project ‘The Good life’. During a four week period he will attempt to live without consuming gas or electricity, essentially...
Adib Fricke

Adib Fricke

Adib Fricke Standarts of Happiness Word Worlds He collects words like other people collect shells or starfish. He hoards terms, archives word combinations, catalogues sentences, finds and invents new ones. In 1994, he founded The Word Company, and since then he has...
Emine Ercihan

Emine Ercihan

Emine Ercihan Food Waste, 2014 Alu-dibond | 100 x 150 cm »Food Waste« – there is a global imbalance between production and distribution of food. While in many countries groceries are discarded due to overproduction and unconscious consumption, major food shortage...
Klaus Fritze

Klaus Fritze

Klaus Fritze Metadiegese With a doctorate in genetic engineering, Klaus Fritze crosses the border between art and science. His installations resemble scientific experimental laboratories. In addition to his skepticism about his original field of activity, the decision...