by Ina_Neubert | Jan 23, 2023
Pedro Reyes Palas por Pistolas Palas por Pistolas is a bi-national campaign to make our community safer. Our mission is achieved through only one very specific procedure, which is to turn weapons into shovels to plant trees. For every weapon that is destroyed one tree...
by Ina_Neubert | Jan 23, 2023
Ariel Rojo Compo-Station The vermicompost allows converting organic waste into compost rapidly, while producing high quality fertilizer. The compost maker is made of three buckets of 19Lts cut at 3 different heights creating 3 levels. The first level is the fresh...
by Ina_Neubert | Jan 23, 2023
Gustavo Romano Time-Notes-Projekt Installation | Video, mobile table, stamp, ink pad, booklet, banner | Installation dimensions variable If you had an extra minute, an extra hour, or an extra year in your life, how would you spend it? In this installation, Gustavo...
by Ina_Neubert | Jan 23, 2023
Miguel Rothschild The house of Atlanteans Hermann Finsterlin (1887–1973) war ein in vielerlei Hinsicht gescheiterter Lebenskünstler. Sein umfangreiches Schaffen weist ihn als originellen, jedoch wenig glückvollen deutschen Maler, Grafiker, Musiker, Dichter und...
by Ina_Neubert | Jan 23, 2023
Sharmila Samant Mrigjal – The Mirrage, 2011 Mrigjal – The Mirage, relates to questions of identity, memory and civic issues through the politics of water. With Amar Joshi, a water diviner and geologist, Samant located water bodies that lie under the city. It...