by Inke Maria Hahnen | Aug 25, 2023 | Dialog Erfurt 2019, News
»Grow or pause – how will we live in the future?« Saturday, 22. September 201914:00 – 16:00Galerie Waidspeicher and Kulturhof zum Güldenen Krönbacken In times of climate change, finite resources, destruction of environment and habitat, extinction of speciesWith...
by Inke Maria Hahnen | Aug 25, 2023 | Dialog Erfurt 2019, News
»The thought of the arbitraryand filtering of theof elementary resources is transferableto other places and people.«- zwischenbericht Erfurter Schöpfung – In the RIver, 2019»zwischenbericht« invites you to various interventions directly in the Gera. In Erfurt,...
by Inke Maria Hahnen | Aug 25, 2023 | Dialog Erfurt 2019, News
Updated Dialogue Programme Erfurt Initiated by the Advisory Board for Sustainable Development in Thuringia, supported by the Thuringian Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Nature Conservation and the capital Erfurt Sa 27.7. – 17:00 UhrEröffnung in...