by Ina_Neubert | Mar 13, 2023 | News
Folke Köbberling at the project room of the Kunstverein Neuhausen & Talk with Adrienne Goehler May 1 26.04.2022 ProgrammeSunday, 1 May 20223.30 pm Exhibition tour with Folke KöbberlingKVN Projektraum, Rupert-Mayer Str. 68 B, 73765 Neuhausen/Fildern 5 p.m., Lecture...
by Ina_Neubert | May 8, 2023 | Dialogue Berlin 2023, Panel
Sun. 04.06.2023 | 19:30 p.m. About the need for artistic research for any transformation process Prof. Florian Schneider | Trondheim Academy of Fine Arts, Präsident Society for Artistic Research Lecture in...
by Ina_Neubert | Apr 7, 2023 | Dialogue Berlin 2023, Guided tour
Thu. 06/22/2023 | 2 am On the topic of water Rebecca Raue | Artist ETF! and manager Ephra Studio Rebecca Raue goes to the exhibition with children and works together to follow up on the topics, especially plastic and natural materials. Ephra connects children and art...
by Ina_Neubert | May 8, 2023 | Dialogue Berlin 2023, Panel
Tue. 06.06.2023 | 19:30 p.m. Conversation about the Fund for aesthetics and sustainability | FaeS Anne Schneider | director, conversayion with Dr. Tobias Knoblich | cultura, president of Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft, Prof. Dr. Vera Meyer | Biotechnologin (Mind the...
by Ina_Neubert | May 8, 2023 | Dialogue Berlin 2023
Wed, 17.05.2023 | 19 p.m. Public Rehearsal Bernadette La Hengst and the Chor des Hauses der...