Folke Köbberling TRIBUTE TO OUD

Folke Köbberling TRIBUTE TO OUD

Folke Köbberling at the project room of the Kunstverein Neuhausen & Talk with Adrienne Goehler May 1 26.04.2022 ProgrammeSunday, 1 May 20223.30 pm Exhibition tour with Folke KöbberlingKVN Projektraum, Rupert-Mayer Str. 68 B, 73765 Neuhausen/Fildern 5 p.m., Lecture...
Panel – FaeS

Panel – FaeS

Tue. 06.06.2023 | 19:30 p.m. Conversation about the Fund for aesthetics and sustainability | FaeS Anne Schneider | director, conversayion with Dr. Tobias Knoblich | cultura, president of Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft, Prof. Dr. Vera Meyer | Biotechnologin (Mind the...