by Ina_Neubert | May 8, 2023 | Dialogue Berlin 2023, Live-Sound, Panel
Thu. 22.06.2023 | 7:30 pm Fishbowl-Diskussion In the exhibition ETF! rexamples to follow! at Uferhallen Berlin with members of Klasse Klima (UdK), Sheena Anderson and Nene Opoku (Black Earth Kollektiv), Aouefa Amoussouvi and Tuçe Erel, moderated by Lena Fließbach and...
by Ina_Neubert | May 23, 2023 | News, News
In conversation with the publicist Adrienne Goehler The Ministry of Culture wants to launch a “Green Culture Offensive” for the Saarland. It will kick off with a conference in Saarbrücken’s Pingusson Building for and with creative artists and...
by Ina_Neubert | May 8, 2023 | Artist talks, Dialogue Berlin 2023, Live-Sound
Fr. 16.06.2023 | 19:30 hours Navigating the colonial and extractive past and present in artistic and academic practice Conversation about the work of Vanessa Ramos-Velasquez | artist ETF!, Phd candidate Bauhaus Universität Weimar and Dr. Mandana Seyfeddinipur |...
by Ina_Neubert | May 8, 2023 | Dialogue Berlin 2023, Live-Sound
Tue. 13.06.2023 | 19.30 p.m. Compostable diapers for the creation of Terra Preta Ayumi Matsuzaka | Künstlerin ZNE!, Ch. Schloh, Dr. Michael Weiß und Dr. Ariane Krause in conversation Panel in german There is an audio recording of “Art meets science”...
by Ina_Neubert | May 8, 2023 | Artist talks, Dialogue Berlin 2023
Wed 31.05.2023 | 19:30 p.m. Interconnection of Art and Science Talk between Dr. Manuel Rivera | Research Institute For Sustainability (RIFS), Prof. Christin Lahr | Artist ZNE! and Prof. Dr. Vera Meyer | Biotechnologist (Mind the Fungi! Engage with Fungi!) and artist...