Brazil | Sao Paulo | 2013
10. Venue
22.02.2013 – 07.07.2013
Galeria Marta Traba, Memorial da América Latina, Av. Auro Soares de Moura Andrade, 664; Barra Funda, Sao Paulo/SP. CEP 01156-001
Opening February 21st 2013, 7pm
In Brazil, 5 Brazilian artists:inside will complement the exhibition:
Marlen Almeida, Sonia Guggisberg, James Kudo, Shirley Paes-Leme, José De Quadros
Ravi Agarwal (IND), Jennifer Allora & Guillermo Calzadilla (US | CU), Marlen Almeida (BR), Néle Azevedo (BR), Joseph Beuys (GER), Richard Box (GB), Ines Doujak (A), Olafur Eliasson (DK), Galerie für Landschaftskunst (GER), Dionisio González (E), Sonia Guggisberg (BR), Hermann Josef Hack (GER), Henrik Håkansson (S), Folke Köbberling & Martin Kaltwasser (GER), James Kudo (BR), Christian Kuhtz (GER), Jae Rhim Lee (KR | US), Till Leeser (GER), Sarah Lewison (US), Marlen Liebau | Marc Lingk (GER), Rudolf zur Lippe (GER), Ma Yongfeng (CHN), Petra Maitz (A), Renzo Martens (NL), Ayumi Matsuzaka (JP), Gerd Niemöller (GER), Shirley Paes-Leme (BR), Dan Peterman (US), José De Quadros (BR), Clement Price-Thomas (US), Dodi Reifenberg (IL | GER), Gustavo Romano (AR), Michael Saup (GER), Ursula Schulz-Dornburg (GER), Dina Shenhav (IL), David Smithson (US), Robert Smithson (US), Superflex (DK), The Yes Men (US), Wang Jiuliang (CHN), Xing Danwen (CHN), Yang Shaobin (CHN), Zwischenbericht (GER)
Dialogue Programme

Panel discussion with the curator Adrienne Goehler
Panel discussion at Capilla del Arte 18th October 2013 During the panel discussion, the curator of...

ReCivitas – Basic Income Grant in Brazil
Panel discussion – Bruna Pereira and Marcus Vinicius Brancaglione 03.04.2013 – 7pm Bruna Pereira –...

Lecture – Profª Renata Mª Caminha Mendes de O Carvalho 20.03.2013 – 7pm PhD in Civil Engineering -...

Panel – Mesa Redonda – Sustainability in Brazil?
Adrienne Goehler, Dawid Bartelt, Fatima Melk, Rubens Born Moderation: Tereza de Arruda 22.02.2013...

Guided tour with the curator
Adrienne Goehler guides through the exhibition in Sao Paulo 22.02.2013 – 16:00 h Galeria Marta...

Artist Talk – Shirley Paes Leme
»City Air« Language: bras. portuguese Galeria Marta Traba, Memorial da América Latina, Av. Auro...

Artist Talk – Néle Azevedo
»Minimum Monument« Language: bras. portuguese Galeria Marta Traba, Memorial da América Latina, Av....

Workshop Photomontage and Multimedia by Paulo Papaleo
Aesthetics unusual – Lecture and Demonstration Presentation of ideas, techniques and references...

Xylograph Workshop by Pedro Pessoa
xylograph Wood Disposal Workshop aiming to pass basic knowledge to the making of prints with...

Recycled papers Workshop by Eliana Anguinah
An Encounter with the Paper Workshop with the aim of promote a meeting with the paper through the...

Infograffiti Workshop by PasSchaefer
The Relation Between Humans and Other Animals The workshop proposes the creation of panels joining...

Artistic reuse Workshop by Paio Birolini
Mummy Workshop with the proposal to produce a sculpture from use of discarded materials in...

Photoperformance Workshop by Yasmim Flores and Cacá Meirelles
Express yourself: Reflection-Message-Portrait Leads participants to experience the relationship...

Binding Workshop by Aurea Guaraná
Bookbinding from reuse papers from atelier de gravura Pássaro de Papel and Pintar & Olhares...

Body Awareness Workshop by Andréa Barbour
Corporeality and Nature Dynamics that propose to investigate and build a sense of encouragement of...

Sao Paulo: filmscreening
Galeria Marta Traba, Memorial da América Latina, Av. Auro Soares de Moura Andrade, 664; Barra...
A project by
Kulturstiftung des Bundes • Fundação Memorial da América Latina
Sponsored by
Heinrich Böll Stiftung • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH • KfW Bankengruppe • Agility • Lux Impuls GmbH • Dr. Schär AG • Eckhard Kupfer (Instituto Martius-Staden, São Paulo) • Generalkonsulat Deutschland, Sao Paulo