by Ina_Neubert | Jan 21, 2023
Richard Box Field, 2004 Video | 12:07 min. Field, was inspired by childhood stories from a friend who played underneath, overhead power-lines in his back garden. These stories came to mind as I was reading research into human radiation effects at Bristol University...
by Ina_Neubert | Apr 3, 2023
David Brandstätter Freiheit Dance Performance I am interested in what comes to light when one compares different perspectives, contexts or levels of impact of the word freedom: inner and outer, philosophical, spiritual, personal and social felt and lived...
by Ina_Neubert | Jan 21, 2023
Jens Burde Bamboo – a cosmovision, 2015 Installation | Bamboo bench A carpenter in Hamburg once showed me the trick how to glue a mitre together only with adhesive tape. When I looked at him with a slightly sceptical face he told me: »Glöv mi dat, mijn jong, dat...
by Ina_Neubert | Jan 21, 2023
Vania Caro Melo El dominio Wood, PVC tube, golden plastic Speculation about the Quinoa cereal has lead to the privatization of the lands of the indigenous population in the highlands. Therefore this situation presents us Quinoa as an identitarian element that in the...
by Inke Maria Hahnen | May 8, 2023
Yaacov Chefetz Enough (די- dai – enough). (די- dai – enough). Two books cast in Beeswax and the word in Hebrew (די) sunken on one side. Biography Yaacov Chefetz (*1946) lives and works in Haifa,...