by Ina_Neubert | Jan 20, 2023
Francis Alÿs Paradox of practice 1(Sometimes Making Something Leads to Nothing), 1997 Video | 4:49 min. Alÿs enacted Paradox of Praxis 1 (Sometimes Making Something Leads to Nothing) in 1997 in Mexico City. The film depicts a simple and seemingly pointless endeavour...
by Ina_Neubert | Jan 21, 2023
Artist Collective SCHAUM Surrogat III, 2016 In a playful ironic way and with great earnestness the artists’ group SCHAUM addresses the disappearance of the forest. The forest, one of the greatest treasures on earth, over million of years old, habitat for animals and...
by Ina_Neubert | Jan 21, 2023
Néle Azevedo Minimum Monument, 2001 – 2009 | 2014 Video | 5:20 min. Néle Azevedo’s »Minimum Monument« converses with the long tradition of monument: a landmark earmarked to perpetuate something in the urban space throughout History. Nevertheless, Néle Azevedo inverts...
by Ina_Neubert | Jan 21, 2023
Konstantin Bayer Artarticles Bildobjekt 02, aus der Serie Artarticles, 2016Vase mit Blumen von Henri de Fantin-Latour (Direktdruck auf Alu Dibond 40 x 40cm), kleines Wandregal aus Plexiglas, Fiji Wasser PET 500 ml KONSTANTIN BAYER sees his work as artist, curator and...
by Ina_Neubert | Jan 21, 2023
Joseph Beuys 7000 Oak Trees, 1982 One of the perhaps most outstanding pioneering works in the context of environmentalism and ecology is the work »7000 Eichen«, a planting action started at documenta VII. »7000 Eichen –Stadtverwaldung statt Stadtverwaltung« is a work...