Martin Kaltwasser

Martin Kaltwasser

Martin Kaltwasser Lonely Berlin Marathon in normal traffic, 2018   In the 4-hour video, Martin Kaltwasser runs through Berlin on the usual blue marathon line while traffic is moving. It’s his 18th marathon. He never stopped training for it. Other material...
Folke Köbberling, Martin Kaltwasser

Folke Köbberling, Martin Kaltwasser

Folke Köbberling, Martin Kaltwasser Cars into Bicycles, 2009 – 2010 Video | 7:40 min.Installation | Metal, tires, television | Installation dimensions variable In the exhibition examples to follow! the bikes are shown that were produced from an Opel in the summer of...
Christian Kuhtz

Christian Kuhtz

Christian Kuhtz Pedal Power Washing machine, 2010 Installation | Washing machine, bicycle parts, scrap, wood   Windpower – Very Easy, 2010 Installation | Natural materials, trash, scrap | 1m Ø, 12 Volt, 60 watt Christian Kuhtz’s credo is »ideas instead of trash«....
Christin Lahr

Christin Lahr

Christin Lahr MACHT GESCHENKE: DAS KAPITAL (Capital Presents)(Kritik der politischen Ökonomie), 2009 – ca. 2052 Donation, daily transfer of 1 cent and 108 characters from Karl Marx Kapital, Vol. 1, to the German Federal Ministry of FinanceControl sheets, notational...
Antal Lakner

Antal Lakner

Antal Lakner Dermoherba, 2005 Installation | Poster, vinyl | 165 x 130 cm Since 1997 Lakner’s artworks are characterized by the principles of techniques, constructions and designs, with which he directs himself towards global issues. The artist critically deals with...