Panel – Exit Plastik!

Thu. 29.06.2023 | 19.30 p.m.

Civil society alliance for finding ways out of the plastic crisis

Barbara Unmüßig discusses ways out of the plastic crisis with the artist Swaantje Güntzel, representatives from politics, science and the civil society alliance Exit Plastik.

The conversation bridges the gap between art and the political regulation of the production and consumption of plastic. The Global Plastics Agreement and the petrochemical industry will also be discussed. The panel thus leads from art at the end of the life cycle of plastic back to the beginning and discusses solutions that start at the very beginning.


  • Swaantje Güntzel, artist ETF!
  • Dr. Axel Borchmann, Officer for Marine Protection, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection
  • PD Dr. Oliver Schlaudt, Heisenberg Professor of Philosophy and Political Economy, Koblenz School of Social Design (HfGG)
  • Janine Korduan, officer for circular economy at BUND and member of the alliance Exit Plastik
  • Andy Gheorghiu, expert on climate and environmental protection and energy policy

Talk will be in german.