by Ina_Neubert | Feb 20, 2023 | Dialogue Berlin 2010, Panel
Talk 16.09.2010 – 19:00 h Uferhallen, Berlin-Wedding, Uferstraße 8, 13357 Berlin Adrienne Goehler (Curator) in conversation with:Hortensia Völckers (artistic director, KSB),Zwischenbericht (artist ETF!),Winfried Kneip (Stiftung Mercator) Here is the link to the...
by Ina_Neubert | Feb 20, 2023 | Dialogue Berlin 2010, Panel
Talk 09.09.2010 – 19:00 h Uferhallen, Berlin-Wedding, Uferstraße 8, 13357 Berlin Gerd Rosenkranz (Head of Politic and Presse, DUH e.V.) talking withu. a. Rudolf zur Lippe (Philosopher,Schwarmthinker),Christian Hiß (Farmer, Regional Wert AG),Silke Helfrich (Author,...
by Ina_Neubert | Feb 16, 2023 | Dialogue Brazil 2013, Panel
Adrienne Goehler, Dawid Bartelt, Fatima Melk, Rubens Born Moderation: Tereza de Arruda 22.02.2013 – 17:00 h Language: bras. Portuguese + English Galeria Marta Traba, Memorial da América Latina, Av. Auro Soares de Moura Andrade, 664; Barra Funda, Sao Paulo/SP. CEP...