by Ina_Neubert | Feb 20, 2023 | Dialogue Bavaria 2011, Panel
Healthy self-sufficiency from the own garden 24.05.2011, 8pm Fruit and gardening association,Kulturhalle Pfaffenhofen, Kellerstraße 6a, 85276 Pfaffenhofen a.d. Ilm Admission:...
by Ina_Neubert | Feb 20, 2023 | Dialogue Bavaria 2011, Panel
Martin Haas 20.05.2011, 8pm Forum Baukultur,Kulturhalle Pfaffenhofen, Kellerstraße 6a, 85276 Pfaffenhofen a.d. Ilm Admission:...
by Ina_Neubert | Feb 20, 2023 | Dialogue Gartow 2011, Guided tour, Panel
Expanding the discussion of sustainability to include the cultural dimension The expedition target of the exhibition concept “Aesthetics & Sustainability” developed by Adrienne Goehler and Jaana Prüss is the Westwendische Kunstverein (7 km from...
by Ina_Neubert | Feb 20, 2023 | Dialogue Gartow 2011, Panel
Development of concrete project ideas in the Wendland 12.03.2011 – 10-16:00 h Evangelisches Forum St. Georg Gartow im Wendland Registration at, Tel.:...
by Ina_Neubert | Feb 20, 2023 | Dialogue Berlin 2010, Panel
How do we define prosperity? A talk withTim Jackson (Wachstumskritiker, Autor, Medienkünstler)Christin Lahr (Künstlerin der Ausstellung)Christoph von Braun (Andrea von Braun Stiftung),Barbara Unmueßig (Vorstand Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung)Moderated by: Ursula Weidenfeldin...