Workshop – Talking Wool

01.06.2023 15 – 19 hours

Talking Wool: Wool in Exchange

Our 4-hour workshop »Talking Wool« will consist of presentations by Berlin and Brandenburg-based actors in the wool supply chain. The talks aim to cover the issues of shepherds, how fleece is shorn and (frequently not) collected and processed in Germany’s remaining textile industry, small businesses using local wool to produce ethical textiles, gate-keeping mechanisms that hold these initiatives back, as well as the political changes that need to be made to secure a fair income for farmers and level the playing field for entrepreneurs to help use this valuable raw material. To close the loop and explain how wool fits into the circular economy, we hope to cover wool recycling, staggered downcycling and biodegradability. The event will be in English. Matters of Activity der HU BerlinWeißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin und DesignfarmBerlin


Collaborators Prof. Folke Köbberling Yolanda Leask (CloudWool) Jessica Farmer (DesignFarmBerlin) Mina Mahouti (FibershedDACH) Johanna-Sophie Stock (lebenskleidung)