Edi Hirose
No title – Jicamarca aus der Serie »Expansión«, 2013
4 cotton paper prints | 75 x 93 cm
1 photograph | 75 x 110 cm
JICAMARCA (2013 in progress)
The Project Expansión 1 started in 2008. Inspired by the fast changes, caused by the real estate boom that took place in the metropolis of Lima.
During his trips to Cajamarca and Cerro de Pasco – a region where the mining activity has been the principal economical provider and has enabled some kind of urban development – the artist has tackled the consequences and unceasing changes that the market demand has produced by promoting development and altering the memory of the place. Almost a third of Peru’s population lives in Lima, a desert city that has grown rapidly in recent years. Urbanization has taken place without any planning, far from the affluent neighborhoods in the outskirts. The administrative area of the city has an area of 2,672 km² (for comparison: Saarland = 2,568 km²). Of this, 825.88 km² (30.9 percent) belong to the core city (high building density and closed town form) while 1,846 km² (69.1 percent) consist of suburbs and areas with a rural settlement structure near or in the desert.
»Jicamarca« suggests the surrounding as a starting point, which projects us towards a certain past, and at the same time highlights the path – a sign – for the possible future occupation.
Edi Hirose (*born 1975) lives and works in Lima, Peru.