Evangelisches Forum St. Georg Gartow
15.01.2011 – 18:00 hours
The Yes Men Fix The World – USA 2009, 95 min.
Andy Bichlbaum, Mike Bonanno, Kurt Engfehr
Admission free
By arrangement, groups of 8 or more can arrange extraordinary screenings: Registration & Contact: wendland@z-n-e.info, Tel.: +491605500968
Supporting films “Klima.Kultur.Wandel” by Goethe Instituts:
Was machst Du gegen den Klimawandel?, Katrin Rothe, D, 2008, 2:45 Min.
Wenn der Eisberg kalbt, Sylvie Hohlbaum, Gregor Schubert, D, 2002, 6 Min.
A film chronicling the culture-jamming exploits of The Yes Men, a group of artist-activists, focusing on the making and reception of their work The New York Times Special Edition, an integral part of examples to follow!
‘The Yes Men’, Jacques Servin and Igor Vamos, are also known as Andy Bichlbaum and Mike Bonnano. From their office in Milwaukee they have spent the last few years using subversion to try and shake up the world, or at least the USA, They have become the bugbears of big corporations and their machinations.mFor the project “The Yes Men Fix the World,” the duo produced a special edition of the New York Times, with only positive news. The film presents the project and public reaction to it. It is moderated by Alemayehu Seife-Selassie, Media Division Head Proworks Multimedia.
Website: The Yes Men