Addis Abeba: Film Screening – Urban Change | Recycling

Goethe-Institut , Addis Ababa

8. Mai, 19.00 h Film Screening and Presentation: “Urban Change | Recycling”

Amharisch with englishen subtitles
Admission free

Addis Ababa is undergoing rapid urban change. 3 short documentaries produced by the Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction and City Development (EiABC) trace how some of these changes influence informal areas, newly emerging condominiums, micro-economies and the recycling centers (Minalesh Terra): “Disappearing Spaces” (13 min.), “Emerging Spaces” (15 min.) and “Supporting Spaces” (14 min.). In Amharic with English subtitles. Bisrat Kifle, Architect/Planner and Lecturer at EiABC, the co-producer of the movies, will be present for further discussion. In addition, German artist Nana Petzet with Ethiopian artists Tesfahun Kibru and Helen Zeru present their “research” about recycling processes in Addis Ababa.

Website: Nana Petzet