Finale – Berlin 2023
This was it! Ende • End • Fin • 结束• Fim • סוף
The exhibition lives on in our digital walkthrough – follow us → ∗
Video Walkthrough
Uferhallen | Berlin 2023
Examples to follow! ETF! expeditions¹ explorations in aesthetics and sustainability
¹ The exhibition started in 2010 with the title EXAMPLES TO FOLLOW! expeditions in aesthetics and sustainability. Sensitized through the civil discourse on the topic of colonialism, it became clear that ‘expeditions’ is a colonial concept. Therefore, instead of ‘expeditions’ we use ‘explorations’. The visibility of the change instead of deletion intends to make the thought process comprehensible.

ETF! goes FAeS End • Fin • 结束• Fim • das wars • Ende, picture: Marc Aldinger
Good bye ZNE! – hello FAeS
Picture credits Marie Eberhardt and Ina Neubert
Bringing the harvest and the questions home
May 22, 2023 – taz | May 13, 2023 – tagesspiegel (more response in the press)
Cornelia Hesse-Honegger, knowledge artist, vision researcher, present since the beginning of the exhibition, Berlin 2010 with her work Heteroptera – Images of a Mutating World
Excerpt from her speech at the opening of the finale of ZNE! on 11.05.23
»Ladies and Gentlemen,
»Examples to Follow!” began here in Berlin in 2010. The exhibition was conceived and designed when the environmental issue was not yet so hotly debated, but one could have already known what was coming if one had wanted to.
Adrienne Goehler created the exhibition and has carried it through for 13 years with all her strength and skill. Now that the exhibition is coming to an end, what she wanted, namely a virulent environmental discussion, has become reality. Adrienne has sought and found artists who are also concerned about the environment and our society and has thus set an example and created awareness among thousands of people on all continents. I thank you very much for that.
Voices on ETF! & FAeS
Check it out!
I am one of 192 voices, if you want to know more about the initiative for a fund for aesthetics and sustainability launched by sustainability activist Adrienne Goehler, click on the link below. You can expect more interesting voices (including Amelie Deuflhard, Anne Schneider, Sasha Waltz, Thomas Oberender, Milo Rau) and the concept behind the idea.
Adrienne Goehler shows at the end of her exhibition Zur Nachahmung empfohlen ZNE! in the Uferhallen Berlin, which has been touring for 13 years. The exhibition brings the demand once again haptically to the point. Check it out!
ETF!’s dialogue between art and sustainability is based on American conceptual art and land art of the 1960s and their pioneers such as Robert Smithson with the legendary Spiral Jetty, on Gordon Matta-Clark’s 1972 performance Oxygen Bicycle | Fresh Air Cart against Smog, the year of the Club of Rome’s first report. Another reference of course is the landscape-art-city-work by Joseph Beuys 7000 Eichen – Stadtverwaldung statt Stadtverwaltung. (7000 oaks – forestation of the city instead of city administration).
The climate crisis is a cultural crisis and thus also one of imagination
Amitav Ghosh

Only when people are in a position to use their own creative potentials, which can be enhanced by an artistic imagination, will a change occur [….] Art can and should strive for an alternative that is not only aesthetically affirmative and productive but is also beneficial to all forms of life on our planet.
A Manifesto for the Twenty-First Century – Rasheed Araeen, Ecoaesthetics.