Picturecredits © Britta Janeck, Stefan Kujawa, Natalia Wehler
Natalia Wehler’s Atomatlas condenses over 70 years of media coverage: nuclear weapons, nuclear economy, uranium mining, nuclear accidents and protests. The large-scale map of individual woodcuts geographically arranges the images, taken mainly from German information media, in the context of their creation. Thus a world map grows, which reminds of an information graphic and in its cluster structure suddenly illuminates the atomic destruction as well as pollution. The technique of woodblock printing is based on the technique of Japanese color wood printing and consciously creates a parallel to this traditional form of information transfer and preservation. Wood – like art – as a long-lasting memory that opposes the intergenerational consequences of atomic destruction and bears witness to Wehler’s search for a sustainable concept of the image. And of course the Atomatlas is not finished.
Text: Clara Niermann
Further Information
Website Natalia Wehler