Israel | Jerusalem | Haifa | 2019
19. Venue
02.09.2021 – 30.11.2021
Museum on the Seam Jerusalem | Pyramida Art Center Haifa
Openings: Wednesday 01.09.2021, 7pm Museum on the Seam, 4 Heil Handassa St., Jerusalem, Israel
Thursday, 02.09.2021, 8pm, Pyramida, Contemporary Art Center, Kibbutz Galuyot Street 26, Haifa, Isarel
Coming from Israel :
Tagit Klimor • Sigalit Landau • Dani Levy • Erez Nevi Pana • Gal Weinstein
Marc Aldinger • Ravi Agarwal • Jennifer Allora | Guillermo Calzadilla • Francis Alÿs • Artist Collective SCHAUM • Néle Azevedo • Joseph Beuys • Richard Box • Jens Burde • Ines Doujak• Olafur Eliasson | Frederik Ottesen • Emine Ercihan • Enrico Freitag • Susanne Gabler • Dionisio González • Galerie für Landschaftskunst • Emiliano Godoy • Lola Göller • Sonia Guggisberg • Swaantje Güntzel • Ilkka Halso • Hermann Josef Hack • Cornelia Hesse-Honegger • Vincent J.F. Huang • Edi Hirose • Alejandro Jaime • Folke Köbberling | Martin Kaltwasser • Christian Kuhtz • Christin Lahr • Antal Lakner • Jae Rhim Lee • Marlen Liebau | Marc Lingk • Till Leeser • Sarah Lewison • Rudolf zur Lippe • Renzo Martens • Ayumi Matsuzaka • Ma Yongfeng • Lucia Monge • Manish Nai • Eliana Otta • Shirley Paes Leme • Dan Peterman • Clement Price-Thomas • Alejandra Prieto • Rebecca Raue • Peter Reichenbach • Dodi Reifenberg • Pedro Reyes • Ariel Rojo • Gustavo Romano • Michael Saup • Michal Schmidt • Hannah Schneider • Ursula Schulz-Dornburg • Dina Shenhav • David Smithson • Robert Smithson • Jakub Szczesny • Maria Vedder • Wang Jiuliang • Natalia Wehler • Andreas Wegner • Xing Danwen • The Yes Men • Yang Shaobin • Zwischenbericht
A journey between aesthetics and sustainability – Haifa News
A journey between aesthetics and sustainability
05.12.2021 , Tagit Klimor in Haifa News
»Following COP26, which took place in Glasgow last year, it seems that many countries are still procrastinating in promoting sustainable agendas. The conference was accompanied with demonstrations by young people around the world, who understand the catastrophic consequences of this complacency. Humanity continues to systematically destroy the environment. Globally, only 36% of the rainforests remain intact, and in Israel, which is particularly scarce in natural resources and green lands, we witness widespread fires every year. The international exhibition ‘ETF! Examples To Follow! expeditions in aesthetics and sustainability’ deals with the global climate crisis and tries to raise awareness and encourage a proactive approach. The exhibition was displayed in Jerusalem at the Museum on the Seam and at Pyramida, a center for contemporary art in Haifa. The exhibition examined key questions related to the environmental crisis around the topics of climate change, biodiversity at risk, deforestation, pollution, water resources and food shortages, as well as the impact of these changes on deprived communities around the world. The purpose of the exhibition was to raise awareness to the destructive consequences of our own actions and to encourage a sustainable lifestyle. The exhibition, curated by Adrienne Goehler, premiered in Berlin in 2010 and has been displayed across 27 countries. The exhibition features 70 leading artists from around the world, including Israel, emphasizing the universal and local ecological challenges we are facing. As an architect, artist and a lecturer, I have been engaging with environmental issues for many years, and I was honored to take part in this important exhibition. Two of my works have been selected, and it was a privilege having them displayed alongside prominent and well-respected artists such as Josef Beuys, Olafur Eliasson, Sigalit Landau, Jennifer Allora & Guillermo Calzadilla and many more. The sculpture Urban Siach was displayed at the Museum on the Seam and Depletion installation was displayed at Pyramida art center. […] Everyone has a role. In nature, every plant, shrub and tree, every animal – big or small – has an important role to play in maintaining ecological balance, enabling mutual existence. Thus, each and every one of us has an important role in setting an agenda that promotes and contributes to the preservation of the environment, for the future of generations to come. I do believe change is in our hands. The artist, Tagit Klimor, is a multidisciplinary architect, artist, a founding partner of Knafo Klimor Architects and Senior lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning at the Technion, Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.«
Get out of the bubble "Examples to follow! Expeditions between aesthetics and sustainability“ – Talking Art
Get out of the bubble “Examples to follow! Expeditions between aesthetics and sustainability“
06.09.2021 , Talking Art
»Immer wieder sind wir beeindruckt von den inspirierenden Aktivitäten des Museum on the Seam in Jerusalem. Es ist so wichtig, mindestens ein solches Museum zu haben, das sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, das Bewusstsein für brennende politische Themen zu schärfen, und erkannt hat, dass Kunst ein großartiges Serverwerkzeug ist, das als Sprachrohr für Veränderungen dienen kann. Die aktuelle Ausstellung ist eine Sammlung von Werken aus aller Welt, die die Ungerechtigkeiten und Torheiten in Bezug auf die „Klimakrise“ und den Einfluss des Menschen auf Natur und Ökologie aufdecken. Es ist nicht das erste Mal, dass im Museum eine Ausstellung zu diesem Thema gezeigt wird. Aber dieses Mal ist es eine Wanderausstellung, die erstmals 2010 in Berlin stattfand und auf der ganzen Welt gezeigt wurde, und einige der prominentesten Stimmen der zeitgenössischen internationalen Kunst einbezieht, die zu Maßnahmen zur Verringerung unseres ökologischen Fußabdrucks aufrufen. «