Folke Köbberling, Martin Kaltwasser
Cars into Bicycles, 2009 – 2010
Video | 7:40 min.
Installation | Metal, tires, television | Installation dimensions variable
In the exhibition examples to follow! the bikes are shown that were produced from an Opel in the summer of 2009 at the summerfestival at Kampnagel.
In »Cars to Bicycles«, scrap cars are transformed into functioning bicycles to enable a different mobility from the valuable raw materials. Folke Köbberling and Martin Kaltwasser build useful objects out of apparently useless objects. Köbberling | Kaltwasser’s installations, exhibitions and interventions question the backgrounds and occurrences of urban life.
While teaching at the fine art department of the Art Center College of Design, we are following the »Californian Dream« together with a few students and, after test runs in Graz (Austria) and Hamburg, we are bringing an idea to the motherland of world-changing innovations. For seven weeks, Cars to Bicycles demonstrates the »life thereafter« on the premises of Bergamot Station, the real existing mobility of the city as an ingenious, unique, rich resource, in order to create a reality of mobility that is of much greater quality. Cars are transformed into functioning bicycles in order to form a different kind of mobility out of extremely valuable raw materials.
– Folke Köbberling & Martin Kaltwasser
Folke Köbberling (*1969 Kassel) lives and works in Berlin, Martin Kaltwasser (*1965 Münster – †2022 Berlin).