Alejandra Prieto

Lágrimas negras, 2011

Charcoal and steel

Li 3, 2017
Series of images



This project by the Chilean artist Alejandra Prieto has been made with charcoal and steel.
Charcoal in Chile has not only shown poverty’s most depraved face in some of the Southern regions, but as well as its indiscriminated extraction. This is why charcoal by becoming a decoration object generates certain dichotomies about its history, form and use.

Li 3, 2017
Lithium is a non metal mineral which is found mostly in natural brines, oil-bearing wells, geothermal fields y sea water. It is the lightest mineral with half of water’s density and which possesses excellent conditions for heat and electricity conduction. As Chile has 40% of the world reserves its extraction has – without precedents – become a successful market in the mining history of our country.


Alejandra Prieto (*1980 in Santiago) lives and works Santiago de Chile.