Programm at Museum on the Seam, Jerusalem | 29&30/11/2021

Neighborhood tour, discussion about sustainability & recycling workshop

For the last exhibition week in Jerusalem, the Museum on the Seamoffers an intriuging program!

At 10:30 am, a tour of the Moserra neighborhood will be offered under the guidance of architect and neighborhood resident Avishai Ben-Aba. The tour begins near the Musrara School of Photography and ends at the Museum on the Seam. For about an hour and a half we will walk through the district and learn something about its architectural history, preservation versus additions and the composition of the population and atmosphere in the district today.
Further you are invited to a discussion about sustainability with David Dunitz, Head of Climare, Collaborative Democracy at the Heschel Center for Sustainability, followed by a guided tour through the exhibition.

At 4 pm children are invited to a workshop on building miniature houses from recycled materials, inspired by the exhibition “examples to follow!”. As an adult, take you children, grandchildren, nephews and nieces with you and join us in a handicraft workshop made from packaging and recycled materials that can be found in every household. Through construction and experimentation, we can see how creatively materials that would normally be thrown in the trash can be re-used.
(suitable for children ages 9-12, duration ca. 45-60 minutes)