JICAMARCA (2013 in progress)
Mit dem Projekt Expansión 1 begann ich im Jahr 2008. Stein des Anstosses waren die unglaublich schnellen Veränderungen aufgrund des Immobilienbooms in Lima.
I integrated images from other regions such as Cajamarca and Cerro de Pasco, where mining, the principal source of economy in the country, meant some kind of development for the cities. The trips through these regions marked my line of work for Expansión, a work still in progress. It’s aim is to tackle – from different thematic points of view – the consequences of the actual wealth economy. It has provoked continuous changes due to market demands, promotes what we assume is development and affects the memory of the place.
Nearly a third part of the Peruvian population lives in Lima but its development was not done through urban planning. Faced with this spontaneous and excessive development, it was necessary to have a look at the borders of the city and remember that Lima lies in a desert, a timeless landscape, which con- templates another transformation in a poetical way.
Jicamarca suggests the surrounding as a starting point, which projects us towards a certain past, and at the same time highlights the path – a sign – for the possible future occupation.
Edi Hirose, geboren 1975, lebt und arbeitet in Lima.